Choosing the Best Vitamin C For Skin

Taking one extra step each day in your daily skincare routine with the application of a topical vitamin C product can make a huge difference in the overall appearance and health of your skin. Second only to your own estrogen, topical vitamin C is a potent antioxidant working at a cellular level to increase collagen synthesis and thicken the dermis resulting in the softening of fine lines and wrinkles.  And although it is not a sunblock, topical vitamin C causes an anti-inflammatory response effectively reducing hyperpigmentation, redness and puffiness after skin exposure. A little history…vitamin C was rendered useless for…


PCA Skin (Physician’s Care Alliance) developed the very first peel formulation that was used professionally to treat acne, the Jessner’s Peel. Founded in 1990, the company continued on their mission, devoting over three decades to the development of highly effective peels that safely treat all skin types and skin conditions. If you want to correct more serious skin irregularities, you may want to consider one of the PCA heavier peels, such as a blended TCA, Jessner’s or Pure Retinol Peel. These irregularities may include conditions related to age, wrinkling, texture, pigmentation, acne and scarring. Essentially, the peels cause little to…